Uncovering opportunities for GenAI in Indian Small Businesses

A brief overview

We embarked on a journey to "delve" into the lives of small business owners, we sought to find potential opportunities where Al could enhance their daily operations.

Our focus was on a diverse group of retail establishments, each either managed by a single individual or staffed by no more than five employees, operating out of spaces no larger than 1,000 square feet.

Our journey took us across four states, where we engaged with 25 retailers, delving into their entrepreneurial beginnings, the obstacles they currently encounter, their aspirations for growth, and their existing use of technology.


We asked retailer across states about the challenges they face in…

Customer Retention

Employee Retention

Vendor Discovery

Credit Borrowing

Technology Adoption

Business Establishment

Click to watch video

The Report explores various themes…

Types of Businesses


Curation businesses involve owners who are detail-oriented & understand what customers want.


Aggregation business offer a wide range of brands & products in one location, providing customers with convenience & accessibility


Curation businesses involve owners who are detail-oriented & understand what customers want.

Business Lifecycle

To understand the complete lifecycle of a business, we tailored our questions into three distinct phases

Business Establishment

Running the Business

Business Expansion

A crucial lens

We uncovered a crucial lens organically which played a role in determining the growth of a business

Digital Adoption Lens

Gender Lens

Transforming behavioural patterns into questions

We transformed the identified behavioural patterns within each category into relevant questions and sought to answer them using themes identified from analysing the conversations.

As e-commerce grows, traditional stores must adopt cutting-edge AI to stay competitive.

Join us in empowering MSMEs with digital solutions that cater to evergreen consumer desires for quality, affordability, and variety.

If you have any ideas for building in this space or are thinking about it - do join the WhatsApp Community. We'll be planning in-person mixers & other events in Bangalore or try our best to connect you to potential partners in your effort!

About People's Voice

People's Voice is an initiative to surface the problems of the People through User Research, Interviews, Surveys, etc. and ultimately disseminating our findings with the hopes to inspire the ecosystem to build & solve for the problems of the population.

We hope to better equip builders & entrepreneurs with deep-knowledge and insight into problems that could be solved.

people+ai is a community of innovators who believe in the power of ai for the people.

India's first user research studio focused on uncovering Indian consumer insights at the intersection of design, technology and culture.

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People+ai is an EkStep Foundation initiative. Our work is designed around the belief that technology, especially ai, will cause paradigm shifts that can help India & its people reach their potential.