


Enabling seamless data collection through smart forms — powered by image and voice recognition.

Enabling seamless data collection through smart forms — powered by image and voice recognition.

Enabling seamless data collection through smart forms — powered by image and voice recognition.

We seek to gather insights and hold conversations on the potential and viability of DigiForm. For interested companies, our team will help integrate DigiForm into your workflow.
We encourage you to partner with us in this mission.

Please note: No financials are involved in partnering with People+ai.

Experience DigiForm

Experience DigiForm

Online AI-KYC

Watch The Demo

Chatbot Powered KYC

Watch The Demo

College Admissions

Watch The Demo

The use cases
are endless…

Applying for a
Bank Loan


Bank Account

Insurance Claims

Country Visa


Gas, Water, Power

Patient Hospital

The DigiForm Promise

The DigiForm Promise

Collect customer data quick and easy

Customer data privacy is safe and secure

No more data errors from manual entry

Easy to use across all demographics

Data Collection Today

Data Collection Today

Data Collection Today

Customers manually write or type information onto a form. Companies manually verify this information. The efforts are high. And errors are costly.

The DigiForm Potential

The DigiForm Potential

The DigiForm Potential

Click a couple of images, answer a few questions through voice, and you're done. The information gets verified. No forms needed. It's that easy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DigiForm?

What do I get when I sign up as a partner?

How does DigiForm work?

Our Parnters

Our Parnters

Join the Community

People+ai is a non-profit, housed within the EkStep Foundation. Our work is designed around the belief that technology, especially ai, will cause paradigm shifts that can help India & its people reach their potential.

Join the Community

People+ai is a non-profit, housed within the EkStep Foundation. Our work is designed around the belief that technology, especially ai, will cause paradigm shifts that can help India & its people reach their potential.

Join the Community

People+ai is a non-profit, housed within the EkStep Foundation. Our work is designed around the belief that technology, especially ai, will cause paradigm shifts that can help India & its people reach their potential.