Single window, multilingual, voice enabled govt. services portal where 1.4B people can call, inquire and avail personalised govt. services cutting across all departments.
Single window, multilingual, voice enabled govt. services portal where 1.4B people can call, inquire and avail personalised govt. services cutting across all departments.
Single window, multilingual, voice enabled govt. services portal where 1.4B people can call, inquire and avail personalised govt. services cutting across all departments.
֍ Gaurab Patra, Intelekt AI
Just like desktop computers, laptops, internet have become accessible and usable by the masses, can AI be adopted and used by billions?
Just like desktop computers, laptops, internet have become accessible and usable by the masses, can AI be adopted and used by billions?
Just like desktop computers, laptops, internet have become accessible and usable by the masses, can AI be adopted and used by billions?
AI, in my opinion, is a path or method to alleviate a lot of daily problems and demands. Can we make this practically happen and reduce the fear/hesitation people feel to make this a part of our reality?
֍ Tanvi Lall
India's healthcare and government benefit schemes could be automated using AI bots capable of understanding diverse languages.
India's healthcare and government benefit schemes could be automated using AI bots capable of understanding diverse languages.
India's healthcare and government benefit schemes could be automated using AI bots capable of understanding diverse languages.
Ensuring health insurance for all 1.4Bn citizens would contribute to India's productivity and potential as a superpower.
֍ Ritesh Shete